
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Brilliant Pics that Just Happen

You know those amazing holiday pictures, when after you get back from the hols, you get them developed and all of of sudden you notice things that you wouldn't have seen before. Well I think the photo below is one just like that! Its amazing.

A backpacker has revealed an amazing photograph apparently capturing a snorkeller with the head of a fish.

The optical illusion was caused when a fish swam in front of the snorkeller in tropical seas off Thailand.

Nick Kelly, 29, from Los Angeles, caught the one-on-a-million moment.

He said: "I was travelling around south east Asia and was staying on the island of Koh Tao in Thailand to study Muay Thai.

"I went snorkelling with a friend and took lots of pictures of the amazing sea life, but this was the best one.

"I didn't really notice until back on the beach but the fish had completely stolen the shot."


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